RSB certification


Project introduction

Full name of RSB certification: Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials. It is initiated by the Energy Center of the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, and is a global, multi stakeholder independent organization. The RSB principles and standards describe how to produce fuel, biomass and material products by using bio based and recycling carbon (including fossil waste) in an environmentally, socially and economically responsible manner. Since the unique decision-making structure of RSB is based on the consensus of all relevant stakeholders, RSB principles and standards are currently recognized as the best standards to comprehensively address key sustainability issues. It also demonstrates compliance with the European Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC EU RED).

Four certification systems of RSB

• RSB Global:biofuels/advanced fuels, other bio-products/advanced products



• RSB Japan

Certification advantages

Globally recognized sustainable biomaterial frontier

Identify and reduce enterprise risks

Facing new and dual carbon markets (EU, aviation)

Increase trust and credibility among investors, shareholders and customers

Supported by many non-governmental organizations, it helps to reduce reputation risk

Ensure the calculation and credibility of GHG throughout the supply chain

Certification process
